In the classic movie “The Wizard of Oz,” Dorothy, Scarecrow and Tinman walk through the forest while expressing great concern about the “lions and tigers and bears, oh my!” they may face on their journey to Oz. Companies experiencing global ransomware and cyberattacks can experience similar emotions as they grapple with increasingly complex global legal risks. Across the globe, local legislatures and regulatory authorities have established a multitude of different and sometimes conflicting legal obligations…
On December 21, 2023 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued updates to its Data Breach Notification Rule, which applies to telecommunications carriers, as well as to voice over internet protocol (VoIP) and telecommunications relay service (TRS) providers. The updated Data Breach Notification Rule marks the most significant changes to the Rule since its adoption 16 years ago and modernizes the FCC requirements by bringing them more closely in line with other breach reporting obligations. The…
In this episode, Cynthia Cole, IP & Technology Partner based in Palo Alto, is joined by Jerome Tomas, Chair of the Firm’s Securities and Exchange (SEC) and Financial Institutions Enforcement Group based in Chicago, as the two discuss the SEC’s recently issued Final Rules for Cyber and what this means for public companies. Listen in to learn more about: Read our key takeaways blog post on the Final Rules here for more information. Want to learn more?…
On June 14, 2022, Baker McKenzie held its inaugural Cybersecurity Symposium in New York in conjunction with the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC). It was a thought-provoking day discussing trends and fresh insights from key players in the government and private sector, the ever-changing regulatory landscape, best practices for cyber-readiness and practical advice to manage cyber-threats, data breach response, insurance and related litigation. The following video provides valuable information and key-takeaways in connection with cybersecurity…
Mandatory data breach notification laws have passed parliament. Baker McKenzie partner Patrick Fair explains how the laws will work and what they will mean for business. Please click on the thumbnail below to listen to the interview.